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Moving People


The following is an excerpt from an interview I did with Jen Thurman, an executive coach, guide, mentor, and overall inspiring entrepreneur. Jen has 18 years of experience advising, consulting and coaching and a passion for helping others connect with who they truly are and find their spark. She works with senior executives and their teams in various stages of transition, transformation or transcendence to support their goals of achieving meaningful change and evolution – and of making an important impact in the world. Her gift is to inspire others to find their path and live with a deep sense of purpose.


I wanted to understand the unique energy she brings to her coaching practice. To do so, we dug into her past, to a time when she was not officially a coach, but was leading and coaching with the same intuitive approach she uses today to help others transform. During our time together, Jen shared a beautiful mother-daughter moment of connection that truly represents the qualities she brings to the work she does today.


"Our brains are wired to simplify and narrow the scope. And that cuts us off from potential other avenues we could take. I open that narrow scope and channel opportunity and potential."

00:00 / 00:52

When I asked Jen how she helps her clients, she talked about her pragmatic understanding of the complex limiting demands and believes we all face, and how she helps people reclaim their curiosity and demolish limiting believes by creating possibility.


RECENT MEMORY OF COACHINGDemolishing Limiting Believes
00:00 / 01:27

So what does it look like when she is working with one of her clients? What is she doing to help them find those moments of personal transformation?  

WHAT IS COACHING?The Witnessing of Someone Realizing Their Full Potential
00:00 / 01:27
People Walking

"I am just a partner in helping them craft their own outcome. It's about providing a safe, welcoming, and expansive container for exploration. It's affirming to witness one of my clients expand into a fuller expression of themselves."


Check Jen Thurman's website, blog, instagram and podcast 


Portrait Photography by Ting Rodrigue

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